Professional Development Overview

All trainings offered through STAR NET are free of charge unless otherwise noted.

In most cases, registration closes 24 business hours before the event.  Attendance is limited to registered adults only, unless the event specifically notes it is for children.

STAR NET is an early childhood grant project funded through the Illinois State Board of Education and focusing on family members of and professionals who work with young children, ages 3-5, with disabilities.  If registrations for an event exceed the allowed capacity, priority is given to our target audience who work within our region.  Otherwise, registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Approximately three weeks prior to each event, registrants will be sent an email regarding their status (confirmation, waiting list notice, or cancellation notice).  If you do not get an email at that time, please contact us at or 618-825-3968.

To cancel a registration, simply log into your account, select the training, and cancel.  If you need assistance in canceling, please contact us at or 618-825-3968.  Timely cancellations are appreciated so we can notify those on the waiting list of the opportunity to attend.  Registrants who neglect to cancel may be given a lower priority for future workshops.

Special accommodations, such as sign language, translated or large print materials, etc, must be requested three weeks in advance by contacting Denise Henry at or 618-825-3970.  STAR NET will be happy to accommodate those needs.

  • STAR NET regions across the state have agreed to follow a uniform set of guidelines for issuing Professional Development Hours (clock hours) at all STAR NET trainings. This is in accordance with the regulations of the sponsoring agencies of those credits. Evidence of Completion forms for Professional Development will only be given to those who attend the workshop/webinar in its entirety. Regretfully STAR NET will not be able to issue Evidence of Completion forms with a reduced number of hours for those unable to attend the entire training. This includes those who arrive late or depart early.
  • STAR NET is a Gateways Authorized Entity. We are offering Registry approval for our workshops and webinars. If you are a Gateways Registry Member and provide us with your Gateways Member ID number, you will be included in the attendance list that we submit to Gateways to Opportunity after the training. Otherwise, you would need to self-report the training to Gateways by submitting your training certificate to them. If you are not a member and would like more information go to
  • STAR NET is an approved sponsor of continuing education (CE) for Speech/Language Pathologists (SLP), Social Workers (SW), Occupational Therapists (OT), and Physical Therapists (PT) through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR).
  • ISBE Educator Licensed Professionals can receive professional development hours for their ISBE Educator License by providing us with their IEIN, attending, fully participating in workshops or webinars sponsored by STAR NETSTAR NET Region IV provides those clock hours through the St. Clair County Regional Office of Education, which is an approved provider.
  • STAR NET aligns Professional Development activities to the Standards for Professional Learning promulgated by Learning Forward. All trainings meet the professional development criteria for Illinois licensure renewal.
  • Some of our trainings will be approved for the Early Intervention Credential by the Illinois Early Intervention Training Program. Their contact information is 217-300-9661 or toll-free 866-509-3867 or 
  • Most of our trainings are offered in English. If you are interested in a training in a different language, please contact us.

Participants should understand that STAR NET does not endorse specific treatment/methods for children with disabilities. Our trainings present a variety of current methodologies being used with young children.

There may be photos taken at STAR NET events for fun and promotion. Please be aware that your image and likeness may appear digitally on the STAR NET website and social media or printed materials in the future.