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Shirley Perez/The Arc of Illinois

Shirley A. Perez is the Program Director of The Arc of Illinois Ligas Family Advocate Program and Family Support Network. Ms. Perez has thirty-five plus years of advocating and working with individuals and their families living with disabilities. She is a business graduate of Metropolitan Business College and Kaplan University. She operated her own business, worked at an Independent Service Coordination Agency (ISC). She advocated for and assisted families in locating services by navigating the State system. In conjunction with the City of Chicago, Federal Home Loan Bank and The Illinois Housing Development Authority, she implemented a home-buying program for individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. She has worked as a Special Project Advocate with the Illinois Life Span Project; met with families/guardians to explain the transition process and listen to their concerns as their family members’ transition into the community from State Operated Developmental Centers.   Ms. Perez’s passion for advocacy is fueled by her desire to help her daughter and others with disabilities reach their full potential. Her philosophy is, “everyone can succeed with the right support!” She can be contacted at shirley@thearcofil.org.

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