Sara Beach, M.Ed.
Sara Beach is the founder and president of Synapse Early Learning Systems, Inc. Ms. Beach works with Illinois organizations and schools, and with national companies such as Teachstone, LLC and Lakeshore Learning to conduct classroom assessments and provide training and supports on a multitude of topics including the CLASSroom Assessment Scoring System (Pre-K, Infant, Toddler, and K-3), the Pyramid Model for Infants/Toddlers and the Pyramid Model for Pre-K, Early Language and Literacy, Math/Science in early childhood, Organizational Systems and Supports. You may contact Sara Beach via email at sara@synapseearlylearning.com; or visit https://synapseearlylearning.com Every Child’s Champion Podcast can be accessed at: https://synapseearlylearning.com/https-synapseearlylearning-com-every-childs-champion-podcast/
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